"B" Symbol

This symbol was created utilizing a grid to represent the letter “B.” The play between negative and positive space allows the viewer to see a lowercase and uppercase “B.”


My Role


Utilizing a Grid

The grid system provided a structured framework that ensured precision and consistency throughout the design process. Each line and curve was carefully placed to create a harmonious balance between the two forms of the letter “B.” The result is a visually striking and conceptually clever symbol, engaging the viewer through its dual representation.

Sagi Haviv’s logo designs were a primary inspiration for this project, particularly his mastery of simplicity and powerful use of negative space. His work demonstrated the impact of minimalist design and guided the creative approach to this symbol.

The versatility of this design makes it suitable for a wide range of applications, from logos and branding to typographic art. Its clean lines and balanced composition make it legible and impactful in various sizes and contexts.

This B-symbol is a testament to the power of thoughtful design and the creative use of negative and positive space. It demonstrates how a simple letter can transform into a complex and engaging visual experience, embodying artistic expression and functional design.

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© Devon Bright – 2024